
Groundhog Day

It's Groundhog Day again for Classified, I mean he's that guy, but I guess so is Mad Child (of Swollen Members). The amount of work that each has put down in regards to making a real living off the music they provide is beyond respectable.

Checking back a couple of Junos, Swollen Members have owned the new millenium of the B.R.R.

  • 2001 - Balance
  • 2002 - Bad Dreams
  • 2003 - Monsters in the Closet
  • 2007 - Black Magic (just recieved)
That's 4 out of 7 years since 2000 and a perfect 4 for 4 on releases!

What I find really sucks about this is that Classified has been the complete opposite. With nothing to show from all the quality that he has delivered. 11 official releases to be exact, dating back to '95. Hopefully, he's not waiting for his recognition of sorts from the Junos, espcially last year when it was destined to be dropped on Class due to hometown advantage. It makes more sense to just keep doing his thing, and doing it well.

Shoud there be a petition? cuz this is just disheartening and I'm not even Classified. Let me know what should do.

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